94 Diagon Alley - Chapter 242
Professor McGonagall’s action was so quick that Harry couldn’t believe it. Her wand was whizzing and slashing in the air, and Harry thought for a moment that Snape would collapse deliriously, but his Iron Charm was so agile that McGonagall lost his balance. She swung her wand at a torch on the wall, and the torch flew out of the stand at once. Harry, who was about to cast a spell on Snape, had to drag Luna aside to avoid the falling flames. The flames turned into a ring of fire, filled the hallway, and flew towards Snape like a noose—
Then it was no longer fire, but a huge black snake, which McGonagall blew into black smoke. Within a few seconds, the black smoke deformed and solidified, chasing it into a dense dagger. Snape had no choice but to keep the suit of armor in front of him, slamming the dagger against the chest of the armor, dangling—
The Caro brothers and sisters, who somehow untied Professor McGonagall’s rope, came later, but they were not fully awake, the female Death Eater raised his wand with his white teeth, and the male Death Eater He slurred things like “She… Potter…is around”.
“Minerva!” a shrill voice said, and Harry looked back while still shielding Luna from the shuttle spell, and saw Flitwick and Professor Sprout He hurried from the hallway in his pajamas, with the bloated Professor Slughorn panting behind him.
“Stop!” Flitwick screamed, holding up his wand, “No more killings at Hogwarts!”
Flitwick’s spell hit the armor that Snape was using as a shield, and with a clatter, the armor came alive. Snape struggled to break free from the iron arms that were squeezing him tightly, and miraculously rammed the armor towards the Caro siblings behind him. The two Death Eaters who had just woken up fell back down in the middle of the corridor, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. Harry and Luna dodged quickly, the armor smashed against the wall and shattered. When Harry looked up again, Snape ran quickly into a classroom, and a moment later Harry heard McGonagall shout, “Coward! Coward!”
“What’s the matter? What’s the matter?” Luna asked.
Harry pulled her up from the ground, the two of them put the invisibility cloak behind them, and ran down the corridor into the empty classroom, with McGonagall, Flitwick and Professor Sprout all standing in front of a broken window.
“He jumped,” Professor McGonagall said as Harry and Luna burst into the classroom.
“You mean he’s dead?” Harry ran to the window in three steps and two steps, ignoring the startled shouts of Flitwick and Sprout when they saw him suddenly appear. .
“No, he’s not dead,” said Professor McGonagall indignantly, “he’s not like Dumbledore, he still has a wand in his hand…and he seems to have learned a few things from his master. hand.”
Harry saw a large, bat-like figure in the distance, flying through the darkness towards the wall, and he couldn’t help but feel fear.
Gwen got into the room of Requirement, and vaguely heard something going on in the Ravenclaw common room. The Death Eater Amycus Carrow, who was patrolling the corridor just now, started violent Attack the lounge door. She dared not hesitate, and slipped in as soon as a low door appeared in the Room of Requirement.
She entered the door just as Lupin and Kingsley jumped into the house through the tunnel entrance. Cedric and Mad-Eye were writing and drawing on a blackboard that the Room of Requirement had turned into what appeared to be a map of the Hogwarts campus. The students listened respectfully around the blackboard, and Gwen missed Moody’s time as a professor (actually, Crouch Jr.).
“Katie!” Gwen exclaimed excitedly when she saw the next head emerge from the hole, her friend Katie Bell and her husband Oliver Wood rushing from the Quidditch team coming. Followed by the great girls of the former Gryffindor varsity team, Angelina Johnson and Alia Spinnet. Fred’s eyes were very sharp, and he immediately went to his first girlfriend to catch up.
“Why are you here!” Gwen asked Katie in her arms.
“We can’t miss it!” Katie looked a little more mature than when she was a student, her long smooth hair tied tightly behind her head, as saucy as before every Quidditch match. “Someone said Harry is back at Hogwarts, and we think he needs help – whether it’s with the Death Eaters or Snape.”
“Oh!” Gwen’s eyes warmed a little. “You must have seen Ginny, and a lot of old friends—they’re across the room.”
“I’ll go say hi to them,” Katie shook Gwen’s hand, “then let’s go and listen to Professor Moody’s tactical arrangement – I just heard him say ‘safety’ Vulnerability’?”
Gwen nodded, hiding behind a curtain in the Room of Requirement when no one was looking, and pulled a retractable ear from his pocket. These were the pair she had tucked into Snape’s robes when she went to the headmaster’s office.
“Have you seen Harry Potter, Minerva? If you have, I must stress—”
Then there was a thud of a curse, a pop, and a thud of the armor.
“Minerva!” This should be Professor Flitwick, thought Gwen. “Stop! You are not allowed to kill people at Hogwarts!”
“Coward! Coward!” The voice came from her dean.
There is no human voice after that, only the whistling of the wind.
Not great. Gwen thought. How could she tell where Professor Snape was if there was no voice? To make matters worse, he seemed to want to see Harry all the more—more outrageous in Gwen’s opinion than Kreacher had offered to bring Hermione tea. Unless, he had a reason to see Harry.
Can I really do what you told me, Principal? Gwen bit her lip, pinching her tiny retractable ear.
The Battle of Hogwarts (Part 1)
Heavy footsteps and wheezing gasps from behind: Slughorn pursued.
“Harry!” he gasped, massaging his large **** in bright green silk pajamas, “My dear child…how surprising…Minerva, please explain…West Fleurs… how…?”
“Our headmaster has taken a break.” Professor McGonagall pointed to the large Snape-shaped hole in the window.
“Professor!” Harry shouted, covering his forehead with his hands. He saw the corpse-strewn lake swept past him as he lay down, felt the spooky green boat slam gently against the shore of the subterranean lake, and Voldemort jumped from the boat with murderous intent—
“Professor, we have to lock down the school, here he is!”
“Very well, the devil is here.” Professor McGonagall said to several other teachers. Sprout and Flitwick gasped, and Slughorn let out a low snort.
“Potter has work to do in the castle, as Dumbledore ordered. We must do our best to provide every cover to allow Potter to do what he has to do.”
“You know, no matter what we do, we can’t keep You-Know-Who out of the door for long, right?” Flitwick screeched.
“But we can hold him back,” Professor Sprout said.
“Thank you, Pomona,” said Professor McGonagall, and the two witches exchanged a solemn knowing glance, “I suggest setting up a basic vigilance around the school and then bringing the students together. , rendezvous in the Great Hall. Most of the students had to be evacuated, but if there were adult students who wanted to stay and fight, I thought they should be given the opportunity.”
“Agreed,” said Professor Sprout, who had hurried towards the door, “twenty minutes later, I will meet you in the auditorium with my students.”
She trotted away, and they heard her mumbling, “Poison tentacles, devil’s web, pods of thorny vines… Yes, I’ll see how the Death Eaters deal with these.”
“I can start from here.” Flitwick said, although he couldn’t see clearly, he pointed his wand out of the shattered glass window and whispered a very complicated spell. Harry heard a strange whir, as if Flitwick had unleashed the power of the wind on the playground.
“Professor,” said Harry, approaching the little Charms teacher, “Professor, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but it’s important. You know that Ravenclaw’s crown is in where?”
“…Super armored bodyguard – Ravenclaw’s crown?” I’m afraid it’s not very useful in this situation!”
“I’m just asking—do you know where it is? Have you seen it?”
“Have you seen it? No one in living memory has seen it! Long gone, boy!”
Harry felt a sense of hopelessness and tension. So, what exactly is a Horcrux?
“Flitwick, we’ll join you and the Ravenclaw students in the Great Hall!” Professor McGonagall said, motioning for Harry and Luna to come with her.
They had just reached the door when Slughorn murmured.
“Oh,” he gasped, his pale face drenched with sweat and his walrus whiskers quivering slightly, “that’s messy enough! I don’t know if it’s wise, Minerva. He must have a way to break in, whoever wants to stop him will definitely be very dangerous—”
“I also hope that you and the Slytherin students will meet in the Great Hall in twenty minutes.” Professor McGonagall said, “If you are willing to leave with the students, we will not stop you. But if If any of you want to disrupt the resistance, or take up arms against us inside the castle, then, Horace, we will fight to the death.”
“Minerva!” said Slughorn in horror.
“Slytherin House should decide who to serve,” interrupted Professor McGonagall. “Go and wake up your students, Horace.”
Harry didn’t stay to watch Slughorn falter,