94 Diagon Alley - Chapter 247
Can you – can’t you just bear with it until we find the crown? “
“Oh-yes-sorry-” said Ron, and quickly picked up the basilisk’s teeth with Hermione, both blushing.
The three returned to the corridor upstairs, only to find that within a few minutes of entering the Room of Requirement, the situation in the castle had seriously deteriorated: the walls and ceiling were shaking more, and the air was dusty diffuse. Harry saw through the nearby window streaks of green and red light flying very close to the foot of the castle, and he knew the Death Eaters would be rushing in soon. Harry looked down, and the giant Grapp walked aimlessly, roaring unhappily while tossing a stone beast that seemed to be dragged from the roof.
“Hopefully he can step on a few people!” Ron said, and there were several screams next to him.
“As long as it’s not our own!” said a voice, and when Harry turned his head, he saw Ginny and Tonks with their wands drawn, standing in front of the window with a few missing panes of glass. . As he watched them, Ginny cursed at the group of fighters below, hitting them well.
“Good girl!” shouted a figure in the dust running towards them, and Harry saw Aberforth again, his gray hair fluttering about, leading a small group of students to hurry up After, “It looks like they are going to break through the north wall, and they also brought giants!”
“Did you see Remus?” Tonks asked loudly at his back.
“He was dueling Dolokhov just now,” cried Aberforth, “and I haven’t seen him since!”
“Tonks,” said Ginny, “Tonks, I’m sure he’s all right—”
But Tonks was already running after Aberforth in the dust.
Ginny turned helplessly and looked at Harry, Ron and Hermione.
“They’ll be all right,” Harry said, but he also knew the words were empty, “Ginny, we’ll be back in a while, stay out of danger and stay safe—go! ‘ he said to Ron and Hermione, and the three ran back to the wall, behind which was the Room of Requirement, waiting to carry out the orders of the entrant.
I need that hiding place, Harry pleaded in his mind, and the door appeared the third time they ran past.
As soon as they crossed the threshold and closed the door, the noise of the battle was lost, and there was loneliness all around. The place was the size of a church, and the surrounding scenery looked like a city, and those high walls were made up of thousands of students who had long since passed away.
“He never knew anyone else could come in?” said Ron, his voice echoing in the silence.
“He thought he was the only one who could come in,” said Harry, “and he was unlucky, I happened to be hiding something… this way,” he added, “I think it’s right here. …”
He passed the troll taxidermy, and then passed the vanishing cabinet that Draco Malfoy tried to repair last year with tragic results, and then he hesitated, looking at the passage between the garbage heaps. Remember where to go next…
“The crown is flying.” Hermione shouted anxiously, but nothing flew towards them. This room also seems to be like the underground vault of Gringotts, and it will not easily hand over its collection.
“Let’s split up,” said Harry to his two companions, “and find a bust of an old man with a hood and a crown! It’s on a large cabinet, and it must be there Anywhere near here…”
They ran quickly along the adjacent passages. Harry heard the footsteps of his two companions echoing through the high pile of garbage, bottles, hats, boxes, chairs, books, weapons, brooms, bats…
“Somewhere around here,” Harry muttered, “just… just…”
He walked deeper and deeper in the maze, looking for the things he saw in this room last time, his heavy breathing sounded in his ears. Suddenly, his soul seemed to tremble: there is, just ahead. The old cabinet with the bubbling surface, where he once hid the old Potions textbook, and on top of the cabinet was the bust of the pockmarked wizard with a gray hood on his head. Old hair caps, and an old faded crown-like thing.
Although he was still ten steps away, Harry had already stretched out his hand, but suddenly a voice behind him said, “Stop, Potter.”
Harry slid to a halt, turned around and saw Crabbe and Goyle standing side by side behind him, both pointing their wands at him. In the narrow space between the two mocking faces, he saw Draco Malfoy.
“You’ve got my wand, Potter,” said Malfoy, his own wand pointed at Harry from the gap between Crabbe and Goyle.
“Not anymore,” Harry gasped, clutching his hawthorn wand, “whoever wins, Malfoy. Who lent you his wand ?”
“My mother,” Draco said.
Harry laughed, there was nothing funny about this situation. He could no longer hear Ron and Hermione, who had probably run off to find the crown.
“Why aren’t the three of you with Voldemort?” Harry asked.
“We want to be rewarded,” Crabbe said, his voice surprisingly low for such a big man. Harry had hardly heard him speak before. Crabbe smiled innocently like a kid about to get a big bag of candy. “We stayed, Potter. We decided not to go, we decided to take you to meet him.”
“Good idea.” Harry pretended to praise him. He couldn’t believe that Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were going to make him fall short. He began to move back slowly, little by little, and the Horcrux was there, crooked on the bust’s head. As long as he can grab it with his hands before the battle…
“How did you get in?” he asked, trying to distract them.
“I lived in the treasure house almost all of the last year,” Malfoy said in a sharp voice, “I know how to get in.”
“We were hiding in the hallway just now,” Goyle muttered, “we’ll cast the Disillusionment Charm now! As a result,” he cracked a silly smile, “you Suddenly it appeared in front of us and said to find a crown cap! What is a crown cap?”
“I told you you should report it to him.” Malfoy interrupted Goyle abruptly, “We shouldn’t make our own decisions…”
“Harry?” Ron’s voice suddenly came from the other side of Harry’s right wall. “Are you talking to someone?”
It was too late when Crabbe suddenly pointed with his wand at the fifty-foot-tall pile of rubbish—worn furniture, boxes, textbooks, school gowns, and other unrecognizable Sundries, shouted: “Fall to the ground!”
The trash wall began to shake, then collapsed in the next passage where Ron was.
“Ron!” Harry shouted, Hermione screaming out of sight, and countless things crashed to the ground on the other side of the swinging garbage wall. Harry pointed his wand at the wall and yelled, “Stop the curse!” The trash wall stopped shaking.
“Don’t!” Crabbe wanted to chant the spell again, but Malfoy shouted and grabbed his arm, “If you destroy this house, that crown will be buried. !”
“Potter came here to find him,” said Malfoy, barely hiding his impatience with his dull-minded accomplice, “that must mean—”
“‘Surely means’?” Crabbe turned to Malfoy with unabashed ferocity, “I don’t care what you think, I’ll never take your orders again, Draco “You and your father are finished.”
“Harry?” Ron shouted again from the other side of the garbage wall, “what’s the matter?”
“Harry?” said Crabbe, imitating his tone. “What’s going on—no, Potter! Gouging out the bone!”
Harry had rushed to get the crown, Crabbe’s spell did not hit him, but hit the stone statue. The stone statue immediately flew into the air, the crown was thrown up, and then fell into a large pile of debris along with the stone statue and disappeared.
“Stop it!” Malfoy yelled at Crabbe, his voice echoing in the huge room, “The Dark Lord wants to catch alive—”
“So what? I didn’t kill him!” Crabbe exclaimed, trying to free himself from Malfoy’s arm, “If only I could kill him, the Dark Lord anyway. To kill him, what’s the difference—?”
A dazzling red light shot from a few inches beside Harry: it was Hermione running around the corner behind him, casting a Stunning Charm at Crabbe’s head. Malfoy hurriedly pushed Crabra aside, the spell missed.
“It’s that Mudblood! Avada’s life!”
“Don’t kill!” Malfoy yelled at him.
Harry saw Hermione fall to the ground dodging. Crabbe was actually murderous, Harry’s anger rose up, and everything was forgotten in his mind. He casts a Stunning Charm at Crabbe, and Crabbe rushes to dodge, knocking Malfoy’s wand out of his hand. The wand rolled under the pile of old furniture and broken boxes and disappeared.
“Don’t kill him! Don’t kill him!” Malfoy yelled at Crabbe and Goyle, who were aiming at Harry at the same time, and they hesitated a little, which was enough for Harry .
“Except your weapons!”
Goyle’s wand flew out of his hand and disappeared into the pile of debris beside him, Goyle jumped stupidly in place, trying to get the wand back. Malfoy jumped up to avoid Hermione’s second stun spell, and Ron suddenly appeared at the end of the passage, right